About Us
The Orleans County Snowdrifters Snowmobile Club was originally called the Lyndonville Snowpackers. The Lyndonville Snowpackers were established in the late 60s and became incorporated in 1975. In 1997 it was decided by the club to change the name to the Orleans County Snowdrifters since the club maintained a lot more of Orleans County than just the Lyndonville area. So in 1997 the name change was made and all of the incorporation paperwork was changed to reflect the same.
The club maintains approximately 79 miles of trail, many of which are corridor trails, along with some connecting trails to the south, east and west. The trail system itself traverses mainly flat, scenic terrain on open fields and wooded land in rural Orleans County of Western New York. Part of our trail system also utilizes the historic Erie Barge Canal which we have obtained a permit for.
We currently own 3 Tucker 2000 groomers with a 16-08 or 22-08 Arrowhead drags to improve our grooming efforts and make the riding more enjoyable. These units are operated and maintained by club members that volunteer many hours every season. Club members also volunteer their time marking and signing the trails and maintaining positive landowner relations. Along our trail system we have gas stations, restaurant/bar establishments and lodging available.
Positive landowner relations are important to our club and trail system. Without the landowners we would not have trails. To show our appreciation we hold an annual pancake breakfast on Super Bowl Sunday which is available to everyone but free to our landowners. This gives us a opportunity to speak with landowners about the season and discuss any changes that may be needed.
Please consider joining our club. Many hands make light work.